Quality of Life

Best Mindset for Happiness

The scientific definition of happiness is the feeling of positive emotion. We all experience positive emotions to different things, so happiness is relative and subjective – you are the only judge of how happy you are. Positive emotion can be defined as feelings of pleasure, engagement and meaning. Studies have shown that those who live …

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The Happiness Mindset

What is a mindset? Your mindset is your belief about yourself and the influence you have over your circumstances. One can have a fixed or a growth mindset. Your mindset is important because it affects your response to the inevitable challenges we face as humans.  As you may have guessed, our fixed mindset humans are …

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The Key to Happiness

Have you ever wondered why they say Happiness is an inside job? Look at all the celebrities who seem to have it all but yet choose the path of suicide, leaving all the things which should  make them happy behind – money, houses, cars, clothes, etc. There is a scientific term which explains why “things” …

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How do I love myself?

When am I so mean in my head? Do you ever stop to listen to your internal dialogue? Mine used to sound like this: “Why did you say that?“ “OMG what are they going to think of you?“ “You always mess things up.“ “Nobody cares!” “This will never work out ” etc. These are called …

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Crush Imposter Syndrome Now

Imposter Syndrome…..the scourge of the high achiever ….can affect anybody at any stage of their career…. It can be debilitating …. You undervalue your skills…. You are plagued by Self-doubt….. You play in your comfort zone…. You set unrealistic goals…. You are paralyzed by fear…. You take no credit for any success you achieve…. What can …

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